Perpetrators in western countries lure Filipinos to sexually abuse children and to offer the images or videos of the exploitation online. Much of this abuse is livestreamed as the perpetrators—sex offenders—direct the crime remotely.
The first cases of online child sexual exploitation in the Philippines were reported in 2011. In 2019, a study led by IJM reported the rapid rise of cases of online sexual exploitation of children. The Scale of Harm prevalence study estimated that in 2022, 1 in every 100 Filipino children were trafficked to produce new child sexual exploitation material.
We help build the capacity of the Philippine justice system in areas such as training, advocating for resources and for the needed changes in policies and laws, and collaborating with the government in casework pertaining to online child sexual exploitation.
We help bring child protection to more areas of the Philippines and the world by joining forces with local and global organizations and individuals who share this passion and calling. We work with the media to amplify stories and call for action for increased child protection.
We support survivors as they advocate for change and transformation in the justice system and in our society with their powerful voices and stories.